all projects

This is the stuff that I have been working on so far. Look through the projects or toggle by tags and project categories.

Eat This!

An entry for the Frozen Mini Jam. Serve your customers as fast as possible before their order melts! Made with Vue and CSS.

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Die kleine Heldin & das Grummeln im Dunkeln

A colourful children's book about a fox and her scared bunny friend. When the queen is worried about strange sounds coming from the cave in the palace garden, the tiny hero decides to go explore and get to the bottom of it.

Dynamic SVG Health Bar

A radial health bar for games. Uses an SVG to display maximum and remaining health. Over 1000 views on CodePen! Made with CSS and JS.

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beep boop

Hit the ball and rack up points in this retro-style arcade game. Built with Vue3 and PhaserJS.

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▲ ▶ ▼ ◀

Solve mind boggling puzzles made up from UP, DOWN; LEFT and RIGHT

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Halloween Memory

A customization of Memorybase! Find pairs of spooky monsters in this kid friendly halloween game. Built with Vue3.

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An extensible memory game that supports multiple types of memory games. Memory sets can be added via simple JSON config. Built with Vue3.

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Steam Commons

A Vue3 PWA + ExpressJS backend that compares steam profiles and finds common games among them.

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A project template for accessible, simple CYOA games. Built with Vue3 and CSS.

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Mystery Garden

A herb deduction game created for the Growth theme of Kenneyjam 2022. VueJs and SCSS.


Bitheart Homepage

This page, meant as a project showcase. Made with Nuxt and TailwindCSS.

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Cookie Runner

The minigame from the cookie banner!

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Pokemon guessing game

Originally a birthday present, it's a hangman-style guessing game for all Pokemon generations, built with Vue.

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The Sausage Database

An interactive table listing the creations made by Ordinary Sausage. Built with VueJs and Airtable.

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Digital art

Occasionally, I create all kinds of digital art. Voxel art, pixel art and drawing is showcased on my Insta page.

Browse artworks


A generator PWA for random writing, art and story prompts. Featuring a unique pixel art interface, built with VueJS.

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2D Shooter (Prototype)

An alien 2d shooter prototype made in GameMaker Studio 2!

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Theme song for apprenticeship project

Chiptune theme song for a internal game developed during my apprenticeship.

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An interactive shortstory in which you converse with an abandoned AI, made with RPG Maker MV

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Super Megabernd Soundtrack

Chiptune soundtrack for a cancelled game design project.

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